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73174-01 - Research seminar: Attention in Animal Ethics and Aesthetics 3 CP

Semester fall semester 2024
Course frequency Once only
Lecturers Friederike Zenker (, Assessor)
Content With this eikones summer school (Sept 4 – 6, 2024) we will focus on attention as a pivotal concept in rethinking human relations to other animals (e. g. Aaltola 2019, Gruen & Crary 2022, Donovan 2016, Panizza 2022, Pick 2018). The case for attention’s critical potential across species has been made particularly strongly in ethics (especially in moral realism, care ethics and feminist ethics more broadly), as well as in social epistemology, political philosophy, and aesthetics.

By anchoring our inquiry in attention, we propose it as a starting point for exploring the intersections of ethics and aesthetics, and for revisiting the study of animal representations. Our discussions, rooted in philosophical and ethical frameworks – especially in the works of Iris Murdoch and Simone Weil – will scrutinize the role of attention in moral life and aesthetic experience (e.g., in nature and everyday life, through art, visual culture, and literature). Simultaneously, this summer school aims to cultivate a platform for participants to engage with materials pertinent to their M.A. or doctoral projects, whether these are images, films and other artworks, or texts, which can be fruitfully understood through the lens of attention within human-animal relations (as well as its obstacles and failures).

The eikones summer school encompasses a wide range of topics such as empathy, representation, perception, and cultural attitudes towards animals. Throughout the week, we will collectively investigate a broad spectrum of interrelated topics, depending on the selected participants and their research interests and projects, and we have invited five exciting keynote lecturers from different disciplines to help us do so:
Anat Pick (Queen Mary University of London)
Jessica Ullrich (University of Fine Arts Münster),
Maude Ouellette-Dubé (Haut École Pédagogique Vaude & University of Fribourg)
Silvia Caprioglio Panizza (University of Pardubice & University College Dublin)
Susan McHugh (University of New England).

In addition, there will be a curated film program courtesy of Michał Matuszewski (University of Warsaw).
Bibliography Preparatory literature will be provided in early July. A list of the reading material can be requested via from June 3.


Course application The summer school is open to MA and PhD students. Number of participants is limited to 10 students based at the University of Basel. In addition to registering via Unibas services, please send your application to by 24 June, 2024. Please provide a motivational letter, briefly explaining your interest in participating in the summer school. You will receive a reply from us no later than July 8, 2024. The summer school will also be attended by 10 international candidates from other universities. For enquiries, please contact Friederike Zenker. More information is also available at
Language of instruction English
Use of digital media No specific media used


Interval Weekday Time Room
Block See individual dates


Date Time Room
Wednesday 04.09.2024 09.00-18.00 Rheinsprung 11, Forum 208
Thursday 05.09.2024 09.00-18.00 Rheinsprung 11, Forum 208
Friday 06.09.2024 09.00-18.00 Rheinsprung 11, Forum 208
Modules Doktorat Kunstgeschichte: Empfehlungen (PhD subject: Art History)
Doktorat Philosophie: Empfehlungen (PhD subject: Philosophy)
Modul: Kunsthistorische Projektarbeit (Master's degree program: Art History and Image Theory)
Modul: Kunsttheorie und Methodik (Master's degree program: Art History and Image Theory)
Modul: Kunsttheorie und Methodik (Master's degree subject: Art History)
Modul: Praktische Philosophie (Master's degree subject: Philosophy)
Modul: Praxis und Forschung (Master's degree subject: Art History)
Modul: Profil: Bildtheorie und Bildgeschichte (Master's degree program: Art History and Image Theory)
Modul: Profil: Moderne (Master's degree program: Art History and Image Theory)
Assessment format continuous assessment
Assessment details Participants will be expected to familiarize themselves with a selection of readings and visual material in an asynchronous learning phase before the program, and to present and discuss one piece of material (image, film sequence, literary text) relevant to their research interest during the summer school.
Assessment registration/deregistration Reg.: course registration; dereg.: not required
Repeat examination no repeat examination
Scale Pass / Fail
Repeated registration no repetition
Responsible faculty Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences,
Offered by Fachbereich Kunstgeschichte
