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19302-01 - Lecture: Synthesis and physical properties of nanoscale systems (3 CP)

Semester fall semester 2024
Course frequency Every fall sem.
Lecturers Marcel Mayor (, Assessor)
Content The lecture deals with current developments of nanoscale systems. A particular focus is set on the synthesis of molecular building blocks and their integration in larger functional devices. Furthermore, the working principles of molecular devices will be discussed in details.
Learning objectives Comprehension of the working principles and the synthetic background of molecular devices.
Bibliography Current research articles, books and review articles cited during the lecture.


Admission requirements Basic lectures in chemistry, physics and/or nanosciences.
Course application Register on
Language of instruction English
Use of digital media No specific media used


Interval Weekday Time Room
wöchentlich Monday 15.15-18.00 Chemie, Organische, Kleiner Hörsaal OC


Date Time Room
Monday 16.09.2024 15.15-18.00 Chemie, Organische, Kleiner Hörsaal OC
Monday 23.09.2024 15.15-18.00 Chemie, Organische, Kleiner Hörsaal OC
Monday 30.09.2024 15.15-18.00 Chemie, Organische, Kleiner Hörsaal OC
Monday 07.10.2024 15.15-18.00 Chemie, Organische, Kleiner Hörsaal OC
Monday 14.10.2024 15.15-18.00 Chemie, Organische, Kleiner Hörsaal OC
Monday 21.10.2024 15.15-18.00 Chemie, Organische, Kleiner Hörsaal OC
Monday 28.10.2024 15.15-18.00 Chemie, Organische, Kleiner Hörsaal OC
Monday 04.11.2024 15.15-18.00 Chemie, Organische, Kleiner Hörsaal OC
Monday 11.11.2024 15.15-18.00 Chemie, Organische, Kleiner Hörsaal OC
Monday 18.11.2024 15.15-18.00 Chemie, Organische, Kleiner Hörsaal OC
Monday 25.11.2024 15.15-18.00 Chemie, Organische, Kleiner Hörsaal OC
Monday 02.12.2024 15.15-18.00 Chemie, Organische, Kleiner Hörsaal OC
Monday 09.12.2024 15.15-18.00 Chemie, Organische, Kleiner Hörsaal OC
Monday 16.12.2024 15.15-18.00 Chemie, Organische, Kleiner Hörsaal OC
Modules Doctorate Chemistry: Recommendations (PhD subject: Chemistry)
Module Specialisation: Chemistry (Master's Studies: Nanosciences)
Module: Organic Chemistry (Master's Studies: Chemistry)
Assessment format continuous assessment
Assessment details Exam at the end of the semester. Depending on the number of participants, the examination will be either a written test or an oral exam.
Assessment registration/deregistration Reg.: course registration, dereg: cancel course registration
Repeat examination no repeat examination
Scale 1-6 0,5
Repeated registration as often as necessary
Responsible faculty Faculty of Science,
Offered by Departement Chemie

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