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18349-01 - Lecture: Forensic Chemistry and Toxicology 3 CP

Semester fall semester 2024
Course frequency Every fall sem.
Lecturers Götz Schlotterbeck (, Assessor)
Alexander Schocker (
Content Einführung, Begriffe, Definitionen / Introduction, terms, definitions
Die forensisch-toxikologische Analyse, Matrices, Methodik / The forensic-toxicological analysis, matrices, methods
Blutalkoholanalytik / Blood alcohol analysis
Drogen im Strassenverkehr / Driving under the influence of drugs
Post mortem Untersuchungen / Post mortem analysis
Betäubungsmittelanalytik / Drug analysis
Brandanalytik und weitere forensisch-chemische Untersuchungen / Arson cases and other forensic methods
IMS-Analysen / Ion mobility spectrometry
Haaranalytik / Hair analysis
Validierungen in der forensischen Chemie und Toxikologie / Validation procedures
Interpretation von Befunden / Interpretations of results
Vorstellung ausgewählter Fälle / Analytical aspects of special cases
Führung durchs IRM / visit of the Institute of legal medicine
Prüfung / examination
Learning objectives Knowledge of
forensic relevant legal drugs
illicit drugs
systematic toxicological analysis
forensic chemical analysis
application of appropriate methods in the forensic field
forensic thinking
Bibliography See workspace ADAM
Comments Some selected parts of the lecture notes and presentation slides may be provided in German. This accounts in particular for legal texts, as English is not an official language of the Swiss legislature. However, translations and explanations will be provided in English, but those translations do not claim to 100% reflect the exact meaning of the law.


Course application
Language of instruction English
Use of digital media No specific media used


Interval Weekday Time Room
wöchentlich Monday 09.15-12.00 Chemie, Organische, Kleiner Hörsaal OC


Date Time Room
Monday 16.09.2024 09.15-12.00 Chemie, Organische, Kleiner Hörsaal OC
Monday 23.09.2024 09.15-12.00 Chemie, Organische, Kleiner Hörsaal OC
Monday 30.09.2024 09.15-12.00 Chemie, Organische, Kleiner Hörsaal OC
Monday 07.10.2024 09.15-12.00 Chemie, Organische, Kleiner Hörsaal OC
Monday 14.10.2024 09.15-12.00 Chemie, Organische, Kleiner Hörsaal OC
Monday 21.10.2024 09.15-12.00 Chemie, Organische, Kleiner Hörsaal OC
Monday 28.10.2024 09.15-12.00 Chemie, Organische, Kleiner Hörsaal OC
Monday 04.11.2024 09.15-12.00 Chemie, Organische, Kleiner Hörsaal OC
Monday 11.11.2024 09.15-12.00 Chemie, Organische, Kleiner Hörsaal OC
Monday 18.11.2024 09.15-12.00 Chemie, Organische, Kleiner Hörsaal OC
Monday 25.11.2024 09.15-12.00 Chemie, Organische, Kleiner Hörsaal OC
Monday 02.12.2024 09.15-12.00 Chemie, Organische, Kleiner Hörsaal OC
Monday 09.12.2024 09.15-12.00 Chemie, Organische, Kleiner Hörsaal OC
Monday 16.12.2024 09.15-12.00 Chemie, Organische, Kleiner Hörsaal OC
Modules Doctorate Chemistry: Recommendations (PhD subject: Chemistry)
Module Specialisation: Chemistry (Master's Studies: Nanosciences)
Module: Mixed Topics (Master's Studies: Chemistry)
Assessment format continuous assessment
Assessment details - Presentation of cases (written proposal of two topics, presentation of one selected topic) 2/3
- Written exam 1/3 (date: 18.12.23)
Assessment registration/deregistration Reg.: course registration, dereg: cancel course registration
Repeat examination no repeat examination
Scale 1-6 0,5
Repeated registration as often as necessary
Responsible faculty Faculty of Science,
Offered by Departement Chemie
