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70412-01 - Internship: Hands-on MRI and CT 3 CP

Semester fall semester 2024
Course frequency Every fall sem.
Lecturers Grzegorz Baumann (
Celine Berger
Oliver Bieri (, Assessor)
Claudia Lenz (
Dominique Neuhaus (
Francesco Santini (
Claudia Weidensteiner (
Andrea Zirn (
Content Session CT I (4 lessons)
• General introduction
• Safety instructions
• Instruction for writing reports
• Image acquisition of object I, try different reconstruction kernels
• Convert images to dicom, measure object dimension, discuss contrast & resolution
• Find out which object it is

Session MRI I (4 lessons)
• General introduction
• Safety instructions
• Instruction for writing reports
• Image acquisition of object I, try different sequences
• Convert images to dicom, measure object dimension, discuss contrast & resolution
• Find out which object it is

Session CT II (4 lessons)
• Image acquisition of object II
• Try 3D segmentation
• Find out which object it is

Session MRI II (4 lessons)
• Image acquisition of object II
• Try 3D segmentation
• Find out which object it is

Session CT III (4 lessons)
• Image acquisition of object III
• Try tissue segmentation
• Find out which object it is

Session MRI III (4 lessons)
• Image acquisition of object III
• Try tissue segmentation
• Find out which object it is

Session Student Presentations (4 lessons)
• Presentation and feedback
• Comparison of CT & MRI
Learning objectives After completing the module, students will be able to…
• Perform CT scans on objects/phantoms
• Perform MRI scans on objects/phantoms
• Know MR/CT safety reasons and rules
• Explain the advantages and disadvantages of MRI/CT
• Understand and explain image sequences and protocols
• Know and discuss how to improve image sequences and protocols
• Analyze CT images
• Analyze MRI images
• Evaluate and compare MRI and CT images
• Illustrate and discuss results in scientific reports
• Present and critically discuss results


Admission requirements Only students attending the lectures Forensic Imaging & MR Imaging during the same semester will be allowed to register. In maximum, 6 students can attend (first come, first serve).
Language of instruction English
Use of digital media No specific media used


Interval Weekday Time Room
14-täglich Wednesday 13.15-17.00
Comments MRI: Radiologische Physik, Unispital
CT: Institut für Rechtsmedizin


Date Time Room
Wednesday 18.09.2024 13.15-17.00 MRI: Radiologische Physik, Unispital / CT: Institut für Rechtsmedizin, --
Wednesday 02.10.2024 13.15-17.00 MRI: Radiologische Physik, Unispital / CT: Institut für Rechtsmedizin, --
Wednesday 16.10.2024 13.15-17.00 MRI: Radiologische Physik, Unispital / CT: Institut für Rechtsmedizin, --
Wednesday 30.10.2024 13.15-17.00 MRI: Radiologische Physik, Unispital / CT: Institut für Rechtsmedizin, --
Wednesday 13.11.2024 13.15-17.00 MRI: Radiologische Physik, Unispital / CT: Institut für Rechtsmedizin, --
Wednesday 27.11.2024 13.15-17.00 MRI: Radiologische Physik, Unispital / CT: Institut für Rechtsmedizin, --
Wednesday 11.12.2024 13.15-17.00 MRI: Radiologische Physik, Unispital / CT: Institut für Rechtsmedizin, --
Modules Modul: Project Work and Practical Skills (Master's Studies: Biomedical Engineering)
Assessment format continuous assessment
Assessment details • Attendance of practical sessions minimum 80%
• Scientific reports, to be submitted 2 weeks after practical session (80% filled out to pass)
• Exercises, to be submitted 2 weeks after every assignment (during semester) (80% filled out to pass)
• Presentation, to be presented at the end of the semester
• Final grading: pass/fail
Assessment registration/deregistration Reg.: course registration, dereg: cancel course registration
Repeat examination no repeat examination
Scale Pass / Fail
Repeated registration as often as necessary
Responsible faculty Faculty of Medicine
Offered by Departement Biomedical Engineering (DBE)
