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73211-01 - Colloquium: Namibian and Southern African Studies (3 CP)

Semester fall semester 2024
Course frequency Once only
Lecturers Dag Henrichsen (
Giorgio Miescher (
Julia Rensing (
Lorena Rizzo (, Assessor)
Content The Research Colloquium addresses current debates in Namibian and Southern African Studies and provides a forum for conversations between students and local and international scholars, artists and activists. While the regional focus is programmatic, the colloquium offers multiple opportunities to reflect on the talks and presentations, and situate them in broader scholarly, cultural, institutional, and public debates in the Global South and the African diasporas in Switzerland and across Europe. The course is offered in partnership with the School of Humanities, Society and Development at the University of Namibia and the Basler Afrika Bibliographien in Basel. In doing so, the colloquium commits itself to nurture an intellectual milieu and knowledge practice that transcends rigid institutional and symbolic boundaries between the university and society, the Global South and North, and creative work across disciplines, fields, and practices. The colloquium is open to students from all levels and is to guests from within and beyond the university.
A hybrid format guarantees the participation of partners in Southern Africa and participants across institutions, geographies, and walks of life. Participants at the University of Basel are required to attend in person.

Venue: The colloquium takes place at the Basler Afrika Bibliographien, Klosterberg 23, Basel
Time: 18:15-20:00
18.09 2024: Introduction
25.09.2024: Nancy Odendaal (University of Cape Town): Networking Towards Shifting Academic Geographies
02.10.2024 Nelago Shilongoh (National Theatre of Namibia): ǂAoni //Aes: Theatre Making and Oceanic Cultures
09.10.2024 Howie Rechavia-Taylor (London School of Economics): Comparative Fascisms: from Germany to Namibia to Israel-Palestine
16.10.2024 Reflective Session
23.10.2024 Zoé Samudzi (Clark University): The Photo Albums of Generalmajor Georg Maercker: Documenting the Genocidal Processes of Imperial Fascism
30.10.2024 Patrick Sam (theatre maker): Coming Home Dead: Performance and Memory Work
06.11.2024 Pedzisai Maedza (University College Dublin): Staging Genocide: Remembering German South West Africa Through Performance
13.11.2024 Reinhart Kößler (Arnold-Bersgtraesser-Institut): The Mindset of Genocide. Lothar von Trotha's Namibia Diaries
20.11.2024 Hombakazi Mercy Nqandeka (University of Stellenbosch): Exploring Resilience of AmaBomvana Indigenous Healers
03.12.2024 Ariella Azoulay (Brown University) (co-organised with G3S & Middle Eastern Studies): “Make the truth shine” - How European Colonialisms Emptied Africa of its Jews and the Destruction of Palestine (registration deadline: 01.10.2024; Preliminary meeting: 08.11.2024)
04.12.2024 Rui Tyitende (UNAM): A reflection on the 2024 National Election Results
11.12.2024 Closing Discussion

Comments Venue: Basler Afrika Bibliographien, Klosterberg 23, Basel.
A hybrid setting accommodates the participation of partners at universities in the South. Participants at the University of Basel are required to be present on site.
Weblink Namibian and Southern African Studies


Language of instruction English
Use of digital media No specific media used
Course auditors welcome


Interval Weekday Time Room
wöchentlich Wednesday 18.15-20.00 - Siehe Bemerkung


Date Time Room
Wednesday 18.09.2024 18.15-20.00 Basler Afrika Bibliographien, Klosterberg 23, --
Wednesday 25.09.2024 18.15-20.00 Basler Afrika Bibliographien, Klosterberg 23, --
Wednesday 02.10.2024 18.15-20.00 Basler Afrika Bibliographien, Klosterberg 23, --
Wednesday 09.10.2024 18.15-20.00 Basler Afrika Bibliographien, Klosterberg 23, --
Wednesday 16.10.2024 18.15-20.00 Basler Afrika Bibliographien, Klosterberg 23, --
Wednesday 23.10.2024 18.15-20.00 Basler Afrika Bibliographien, Klosterberg 23, --
Wednesday 30.10.2024 18.15-20.00 Basler Afrika Bibliographien, Klosterberg 23, --
Wednesday 06.11.2024 18.15-20.00 Basler Afrika Bibliographien, Klosterberg 23, --
Wednesday 13.11.2024 18.15-20.00 Basler Afrika Bibliographien, Klosterberg 23, --
Wednesday 20.11.2024 18.15-20.00 Basler Afrika Bibliographien, Klosterberg 23, --
Wednesday 27.11.2024 18.15-20.00 Basler Afrika Bibliographien, Klosterberg 23, --
Tuesday 03.12.2024 18.15-20.00 Basler Afrika Bibliographien, Klosterberg 23, --
Wednesday 04.12.2024 18.15-20.00 Basler Afrika Bibliographien, Klosterberg 23, --
Wednesday 11.12.2024 18.15-20.00 Basler Afrika Bibliographien, Klosterberg 23, --
Wednesday 18.12.2024 18.15-20.00 Basler Afrika Bibliographien, Klosterberg 23, --
Modules African Studies: Recommendations (PhD subject: African Studies)
History: Recommendations (PhD subject: History)
Modul: Areas: Afrika (Master's degree program: European History in Global Perspective)
Modul: Transfer: Europa interdisziplinär (Master's degree program: European History in Global Perspective)
Module: Changing Societies Lab (Master's degree program: Changing Societies: Migration – Conflicts – Resources)
Module: Europeanization and Globalization (Master's Studies: European Global Studies)
Module: Fields: Environment and Development (Master's degree program: African Studies)
Module: Fields: Knowledge Production and Transfer (Master's degree program: African Studies)
Module: Research Skills (Master's degree program: African Studies)
Wahlbereich Master Geschichte: Empfehlungen (Master's degree subject: History)
Assessment format continuous assessment
Assessment details Lehrveranstaltungsbegleitend
Assessment registration/deregistration Reg.: course registration; dereg.: not required
Repeat examination no repeat examination
Scale Pass / Fail
Repeated registration no repetition
Responsible faculty Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences,
Offered by Zentrum für Afrikastudien

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