Semester planning

fall semester 2024 (course registration period: 01.08.2024 to 14.10.2024)


    Semester No. Format Title Lecturers CP Time and place Aud.
    2024004fs 2024 72504-01 Seminar Contemporary Debates in Bioethics: Reproductive ethics Bernice Simone Elger
    Andrea Martani
    Nathalie Bettina Neeser
    Tenzin Wangmo
    2 wöchentlich
    1Monday, 12.15-13.45
    USB Gebäude B, Hörsaal 1
    2024004fs 2024 31801-01 Seminar Empirical research in bioethics: qualitative and quantitative methods Bernice Simone Elger
    Andrea Martani
    2 See individual dates
    2024004fs 2024 37825-01 Seminar Introduction to Bioethics and Biolaw Eva De Clercq
    3 See individual dates
    2024004fs 2024 62377-01 Seminar Methods in Bioethics: Research Design and Implementation Tenzin Wangmo
    2 wöchentlich
    4Thursday, 13.15-16.00
    Bernoullistrasse 28
    2024004fs 2024 74025-01 Seminar Principlism and Beyond: Moral Theories in Bioethics Johanna Eichinger
    Andrea Martani
    Helene Seaward
    Tenzin Wangmo